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B9 Energy Storage Ltd (“B9”) is focused on green hydrogen production and Power-to-X. The company’s innovative Power-to-X model and project portfolio straddles the power, gas, water, transport and heat sectors.

B9 developed its Power-to-X techno-economic model during the H2020 STORY project and this has since been validated in part by Ernst & Young through an SBRI funded pilot project.

Talk to us about how our solutions can help your business.

image of biomethane compressed gas tube trailers


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H2 gas rig image

Over the years we’ve accumulated a lot of experiences in developing renewable energy projects, we’ve met a lot of people, lobbied a lot of government departments, engaged with multiple Academic partners, both Universities and Colleges and we are constantly exploring the new frontiers in renewable development.


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On-site hydrogen production

B9's membrane-free electrolyser is located at NI Water’s Kinnegar waste water treatment works in Belfast. It is the first electrolyser of any sort to be installed on the island of Ireland, and the first commercial deployment of membrane free technology in the world.

B9 is engaged under a Strategic Partnership Agreement with NI Water to design, procure and install a hydrogen and oxygen ecosystem to support  N.Ireland's first 1MW electrolyser deployment. This includes H2 & O2 compression and storage and H2 vehicle dispensing.

inside view of 1MW electrolyser container


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H2 gas rig image

Over the years we’ve accumulated a lot of experiences in developing renewable energy projects, we’ve met a lot of people, lobbied a lot of government departments, engaged with multiple Academic partners, both Universities and Colleges and we are constantly exploring the new frontiers in renewable development.


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Project Development

We have multiple early stage development projects ongoing that involve Firmus Energy, Phoenix Natural Gas, Mutual Energy, NIE Networks, SONI, Translink, Islandmagee Energy Ltd, Kier Group, Simply Blue and dCarbonX.

Get in touch to see how we can help you. We are always will to have a chat to see where it leads.

Biogas Plant Image


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H2 gas rig image

Over the years we’ve accumulated a lot of experiences in developing renewable energy projects, we’ve met a lot of people, lobbied a lot of government departments, engaged with multiple Academic partners, both Universities and Colleges and we are constantly exploring the new frontiers in renewable development.


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Our Team

David Surplus, OBE

Managing Director

Jonathan Kerr

Head of Hydrogen Engineering

Charlie Villar

Chief Financial Officer

“The B9 Energy Group of companies has over 30-years experience of pioneering project development within the Northern Ireland onshore & offshore wind, AD, landfill gas, solar PV and energy storage industries.”


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